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AP English: Literature and CompositionName: Bessie Weisman Major Works Data Sheet Biographical information about the author. MAJOR WORKS DATA SHEET. Title: _____ Author. AP English Literature and Composition Last modified by: Joshua Seematter Company.

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Major Works Data Sheet 1984

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Major Works Data Sheet Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Biographical Information about the Author: Title: Ethan Frome Edith Wharton was born Edith Newbold Jones. She supposedly was born on January 24, 1862 in New York, New York. She came from an upper-class New York family and had a distant relationship with parents. Her parents were embarrassed by her literary ambitions. In 1885, she married Edward Wharton at the age of twenty-three in 1885. It was an unhappy and loveless marriage, which led to a divorce in 1913. This event is what inspired many of Wharton’s novels.

Wharton didn’t begin writing full-time until her early 40’s when she was living in Lennox, Massachusetts. She wrote many successful novels, including The House of Mirth (1905), followed by Ethan Frome (1911), The Reef (1912), The Custom of the Country (1913), Summer(1917), and The Age of Innocence (1920), for which she won a Pulitzer Prize. She was the first woman to ever earn this prestigious award. Author: Edith Wharton Date of Publication: September 1911 Genre: Tragic Romance/ Gothic Romance Historical Information: The novel takes place during the Industrial Revolution when distinct social classes were established. Traditional values brought about an imbalance of power between men and women that often destroyed their relationships with one another. Divorce was something that was severely frowned upon, even if the marriage was loveless and unhappy. Characteristics of the Genre: In tragic romance, two. Major Works Data Sheet Summer Reading English II Name: Alyssa Torres Title of Book: Obasan Author: Joy Kogawa Date of publication: 1981 – Lester & Orpen Dennys Genre: Fiction/ Literature/ Asian Studies Point of View: First Person Possible Themes: (Identify five possible themes for discussion).

Theme is a central message or insight into life revealed by literary work. Remembering vs. The Benefits of Silence Identify external and internal conflicts: (Provide specific examples of each) One Internal conflict in Obasan was how Naomi had a very hard time accepting her painful past.

Another internal conflict was how she finally found out, in the end, what had happened to her mother. For example: All throughout the story she was always wondering what had happened to her since she was little, ever since her mother had left to go to Japan and take care of Naomi’s grandmother. She has asked and already discussed this with her Aunt (her mother’s sister), but she always discreetly avoids the question. And then finally nearing the end of the story, she finally knows what happened to her mother. Memorable Quotes: Select five quotes and explain the significance of each.

Page# 71 “.Mother removes the live chicks first, placing them in her apron. There is calm efficiency in her face and she does not speak.

Her eyes are steady and matter-of-fact—the eyes of. Gabriella McLaughlin Period 2 Pre-AICE English Language MAJOR WORKS DATA SHEET The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway HISTORICAL FACTS President Truman ordered the construction of a hydrogen bomb in 1950. Polaroid cameras were invented in 1947. Eisenhower was elected President in 1953. In 1948, Gandhi was assassinated. China became a communist state in 1949. Soviet Union possessed an atomic bomb in 1949.

MAIN CHARACTERS Santiago - He is a protagonist and an old man who is seen as unlucky in the beginning of the story. Santiago then goes fishing farther out than any of the other fishermen. He is determined and perseverant. He is lonely.

Manolin - Although he only is present twice throughout the story, Santiago thinks about him multiple times. The boy is devoted to Santiago and believes in him even when others don’t. He always makes sure that the old man has food, blankets and he respects him. The Marlin - This is the fish Santiago catches. He sees the fish as his brother, but says that “I will kill you before the day ends.” The fish ultimately ends up getting devoured by sharks, and Santiago feels as though a part of him is destroyed as well. SECONDARY CHARACTERS Rogelio – This character is only mentioned once or twice throughout the story but is one of the few people who continually helps Santiago. He shows compassion and respect for the old man by “throwing the net” for him.Title: Rebecca Author: Daphne du Maurier Date of Publication: 1938 Genre: Romance, Gothic, Mystery, Classic Biographical Information about the Author: Daphne du Maurier was born on May 13, 1907, in London, England, the daughter of actor-manager Sir Gerald du Maurier.

She was a popular novelist known for her suspenseful, romantic and sometimes supernatural plots. Her best known works are Rebecca and The Birds, both adapted to film by Alfred Hitchcock. Du Maurier was made a Dame Commander in the Order of the British Empire in 1969. She died in 1981 in Par, Cornwall, England.

Historical Information about the period of Publication: Characteristics of the genre: Romanticism saw a shift from faith in reason to faith in the senses, feelings, and imagination; a shift from interest in urban society to an interest in the rural and natural; a shift from public. Gothic horror) is a genre of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance. Plot Summary: Rebecca's narrative takes the form of a flashback.

The heroine, who remains nameless, lives in Europe with her husband, Maxim de Winter, traveling from hotel to hotel, harboring memories of a beautiful home called Manderley, which, we learn, has been destroyed by fire. The story begins with her memories of how she and Maxim first met, in Monte Carlo, years before. In her flashback, the heroine is working as the young traveling companion to a wealthy American named Mrs.Title of Work: Frankenstein Author: Mary Shelley Date of Publication: January 1, 1818 Genre: Gothic Biographical information about the author: Born as Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin to William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft on August 30, 1789, Mary was the only child of her father and mother. Hardly more than a week after having Mary, Wollstonecraft died, leaving William to raise Mary and her half-sister, Fanny, whom William chose to adopt. When Mary was four, her father remarried but resentment was obvious between Mary and her stepmother. Later, following the suicides of both Mary’s older sister and Percy’s wife, the couple wedded.

Mary sank into depression following the death of three of her children and tolerating an unfaithful husband; Mary would never be entirely relieved of this depression. Historical background: Europe in the early 1800’s was not ideal, but it was evolving. Upper class men held the power in many governments, including England’s, while women were considered to be of a much lower social standing.

Women held few rights and had few choices in life. Most of them just served the men in their lives including fathers, brothers, and husbands. Society as a whole in Europe suffered from famine and typhus disease in the early 1800’s. Characteristics of the Genre: Gothicism: Gothicism focuses on historical, exotic, and remote settings.

Also, violent plots are very common in Gothic literature. Plot - Structure Analysis. Major Works Data Sheet Details of the setting (include changes in setting) Significance of setting to the meaning of the work The Scarlet Letter is set in Boston in the mid-1600’s. There are a number of different settings inside this, including Dimmesdale and Chillingworth’s quarters, the scaffold at night and day, Hester’s cottage, the Governor’s home, and the forest. The setting of Boston in the mid-1600s is important to the work mainly because of the people. If it was set at any time afterwards, the people would have seemed out of context with their weird beliefs and practices and their strange forms of punishment and just the way they go about things. Also, the setting of the work goes along with the culture’s belief in the Black Man, or the Devil, being active in society on Earth.

This belief was only held for a few hundred years. This sets a whole tone for the story, because it was widely believed that Hester had conceived Pearl with the Black Man.

Significance of the opening scene Significance of the ending scene The opening scene of The Scarlet Letter is when Hester comes out of the prison to serve her time on the scaffold. This scene introduces the central plot of the story, and also many of the main characters. In this scene, Dimmesdale hints that he is the father, and Chillingworth vows to himself that he will punish the father.in part 2 of the lab the same steps were repeated with copper sulfate. In part 3 of the lab 20 drops of HCl were added to a test tube with a small zinc piece. It was then heated with a lit wooden splint in the opening. Also in part 3 of the experiment a small piece of steel wool was added to a test tube with 10 mL of 0.6M copper sulfate. In part 4 of the lab 2 drops of 0.1M silver nitrate and 2 drops of 0.1M sodium chloride were added to well A1 of the 24 well plate.

Also in part 4 of the lab the same was done in well A3 with 2 drops of 0.1M lead(II)acetate and 2 drops of 0.1M sodium phosphate. Finally in part 4 of the lab the same was done once again in well A5 with 2 drops of 0.1M sodium sulfide and 2 drops of 3M HCl. Data and Results/Calculations and Graphs Description of Observations During Reaction Description of Producst Reactants Part 1 #1 Bronze colored/shiny Green flame, turned silver Copper and silver sediment/filmy cover Part 1 #2 Shiny metal/silvery Quick bright flame Combusted ashy product Part 2 #1 White powder Water condensation put splint out Water, more coarse powder.