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The Elves And The Shoemaker Story With Pictures Pdf

The Elves And The Shoemaker Story With Pictures Pdf Average ratng: 5,0/5 7966 votes

The Elves and the Shoemaker. SWBAT sequence the story by drawing pictures and orally retelling the. The shoemaker was really lucky that the elves came to. My lesson today will be sequencing a story through drawings and then orally retelling the story to the class. I will read the book The Elves and the Shoemaker.

I will begin my lesson by talking about the subject of shoes. I hope to hook my students' attention through this beginning dialogue.


The Elves And The Shoemaker Video

It is through discussions that I come to understand what back ground knowledge my students have on a particular subject. Then I can front load any information that I think they might need prior to my lesson. I gather my students on the carpet for Whole Group Reading Block.

'Look, I bought a new pair of shoes last night. What do you think? Do you like them? They are very comfortable.

When I look at my shoes I wonder how they make them. Do you have any idea how a shoe is made? I don't know how they do it either. Let's watch a of a man making a pair of shoes and maybe we will learn how they make shoes.' Showing this video helps front load information about shoemaking that my students may not know about. We live in a world where my students think milk comes from the store.

They are disgusted to think milk comes from a cow. I wonder if they feel the same way about shoes? Each pair of shoes has a history. My students only see the end product on the shelf at the store. I thought this video might help them understand how the elves made the shoes, by working not just magic. I am using the video to excite my students about the topic of today's story.

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'Making a pair of shoes takes a long time and a lot of work. I have a story I want to read to you about making shoes.

But in this story there is a surprise. Listen close to find out what the surprise to making shoes is.' My lesson today will be sequencing a story through drawings and then orally retelling the story to the class. I will read the book. Being able to sequence story events allows my students to give an accurate story retell. 'That was fun to see how a shoe is made.

I didn't know it was so much work. I want to read a story to you about a man and a woman who lived a long time ago. It was before their were cars and machines and grocery stores. They were shoemakers.

Just like that man, they made shoes by hand and sold them from their store.' I read the book and stop at certain points to explain or ask a question. I stop to explain that the leather the shoemakers use for the shoes costs a lot of money. If the shoemaker can not buy leather, he can not make shoes. Then he stays poor.

'They can only make one pair of shoes at a time. They don't sell many shoes so they don't have any money. Let's see what happens next, I think you will be surprised.' 'Who do you think is sewing the beautiful shoes?

Elves And The Shoemaker Movie

Let's look and see.' 'Who is making the shoes?' 'What nice thing did the shoemakers do for the elves?' 'Did the Elves like the new clothes the shoemakers made them?' 'What a happy story.' I encourage conversation how sometimes we work hard and still don't have any money.

It takes hard work to make the shoes and to get more money. The shoemaker was really lucky that the elves came to visit them. I like to use a for sequencing stories. It is simple and visual making it easy for my students to quickly fill out the template and retell the story.

'Here is my First, Next, Last template. What am I going to put in the first box? Who can help me decide? What happened first?' I use my name sticks to call on students for help.

It is decided that I draw a picture of the shoemakers with no shoes to sell. 'OK, I will draw a picture of the shoemakers with no shoes. Are they happy or sad? Yes, I think you are right, they are sad. So here is my drawing. We can say, First the shoemakers had no shoes and no money.

What can we do for the second box? What happened next?' We talk and decide to draw the elves sewing shoes. 'So, you all decided that I should draw the elves sewing the new shoes? We can say, Next the elves came and made new shoes that sold for lots of money.

What happened Last?' The students talk amongst themselves and decide to draw the shoemakers with little clothes they made for the elves. 'So last the shoemakers made little clothes for the elves. Were the elves happy? Were the shoemakers happy?

The Elves And The Shoemaker Story With Pictures Pdf

Yes, I think everyone was happy.' 'Now it is your turn to sequence the story.

You will have a template just like mine to draw your pictures. I am going to erase my pictures so you can draw the story how you remember it. I will come around and help you with your ideas.' Today I am erasing my template. Because there is no writing for this assignment, I am expecting them to remember the different parts of the story and just draw a picture. Each student has a class job.

One of the jobs is for two students to be the paper passers. At this time I have my paper passers pass out the papers to each seat.

I call my seated students to go to their cubbies to get their pencil boxes and to work at their tables. I call them one row at a time so there is not a stampede at the cubbies. Once everyone is seated I begin walking around and helping with broken pencils, wandering hands and running mouths.


When the students are finished with their sequencing of the story I let them sit quietly on the carpet to read a book. When most of the students are finished with the sequencing, we clean up the books and gather on the carpet again. With easy writing assignments as these, I call up a row at a time to stand up in front of the class. Each student gets the opportunity to orally retell the story in front of the class. It is important for my students to be able to get up in front of the class and orally retell a story. Sequencing the story events is the best way to do that. When my students retell the story, all my students are hearing the vocabulary and with the repetition they gain understanding of the meaning of the story.

A tired shoemaker gets help from a bunch of tiny helpers who fly in every night. Does his life change for the better and what does he do in return for all their help? Watch this story about The Shoe Maker and The Elves Our YouTube Channels: English Channel: Hindi Channel: Kannada Channel: Tamil Channel: Telugu Channel: Gujarati Channel: Marathi Channel: Sindhi Channel: Bengali Channel: Academy Channel: Other Similar Videos: Stay Connected With Us: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Join Appu's Rhymes Club on FaceBook: Get our Android Apps. Get our eBooks. Subscribe now and be the first one to watch our new videos: To buy our Books and CDs, please visit us.