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Gmod Base Wars Money Hack

Gmod Base Wars Money Hack Average ratng: 3,5/5 2870 votes

Star Wars Complete Collection A collection of various maps and models based on Star Wars. I try to keep this pack updated all the time so it includes all worthwhile Star Wars addons on the Steam Workshop for Gmod.

How to get infinite cash or battlescore in base wars roblox - Duration: 5:23. Ken Simpson 10,424 views 5:23. More Gmod Base Wars Money Hack videos.

It includes work of many different authors. I cannot vouch for the quality as there are just way too many addons to actually test.

Some addons may also conflict with each other. This is also part of the reason why I removed the 'sub to all' button as the addons aren't all supposed to work together.

Downloading all the addons at once might also be too much for people's PCs to handle as there are hundreds at this point. NOTICE: Saves and Dupes are not included in this pack. I have organised the content in the following sections for easy searching if you want something specific. Maps: sorted by planet - Vehicles and Ships - Characters: Ragdolls, NPCs and player models - Creature: Ragdolls - Weapons - Props Note that due to an influx of a whole load of new addons. It takes too long to organise it all. So I've stopped organising the new addons.

Basewars - name is pretty much self-explaining: In short you make base, print money, afford weapons and explosives to raid other people. But this gamemode might be a bit more complicated than you think it is. Before playing it, you will probably need CS:S content. If you own this game, just make sure that box next to 'Counter-Strike: Source' is checked (on list expanded by clicking small pad in down right corner of menu).

If not, you have to google for content. Remember to read server rules straight after joining one first time, this will save you from many kicks, warns and bans! If you are playing with friends, you can write /ct in chat to make team, and if you want to send private message to someone write!menu and then chat - psay - choose nickname - write your message - ulx psay. First thing you would (and actually are supposed to) propably do after joining server is looking for good place to make your base. It should be building with one entrance, not too many windows (preferably without them) and thick walls (otherwise they might be penetraded with gunfire). Firstoff you should block entrance to your base with a prop. I recommend using blast door or storefront, because you can put textures on them that will help you in defending during raid, effects are shown on 2 screenshots below: On first screenshot, as you can see, putting texture on storefront makes it transparent on one side, but not from the other one, and on second screenshot, blastdoor have texture of frozed glass, maybe it's transparent from both sides, but you can't see really good through it (unless you are using sniper rifle, that's why it's worth it to put this texture on blast door).

To be able to move through these props to get out/into your base you can use Fading door tool found in Construction tab, just choose the button you want to fade the prop with and use click the prop you want to pass through. Now, since noone can interrupt you, let's head to money printing. You propably started off with 1000$, so it's enough for you to place hobo printer and normal generator. Just place them close to each other and wait to hobo printer throw up more and more money. Generators and printers can change color to red sometimes - this means that they stopped working. All you have to do is just pressing E when looking at them.

Base wars nesPlay base wars

After some time spend on picking up money from the floor you have 1500$, or a bit more, so you can afford your first bronze printer. You repeat farming money untill you have 4 bronze printers (you can't have more of them), Now let's afford something that will make this a bit easier - Money vault.

Base Wars Nes

Just place it somewhere and set all your printers above it: money falls on vault, vault stores it, and you just click E on it and withdraw money instead of spamming E all the time. Next printers are silver ones, but i recommend placing additional normal generator, or destroying old one and replacing it with super generator before affording these printers. That's good way to place printers.

You can make: 1 hobo printer 4 bronze printers 3 silver printers 2 gold printers 1 platinum printer 1 diamond printer 1 nuclear printer Read 'Raiding' section before buying gold printer! Well, since you have some money in your wallet and you can focus on other things, let's make some defences for eventual raid. Turrets are pretty much useless, because raider can just throw few grenades and they will no longer exist, unless you have room with ceiling that's high enough to place your turrets away from grenade explosions. It's usually that high that only sniper turrets will have enough range, others can be placed next to ladders. Remember: you can put base of turret behind wall, and rotate it to put gun to the other side of wall. Spawn dispenser somewhere and upgrade props to lvl 5 by looking at them and writing /upg in chat - this will boost their hp greatly.

I don't recommend upgrading money printers because you make them print only 5% more per level at 1/2 of money you afforded printer for. There is also other option to barricade - spawning lot of props with 300 hp, upgrading them to max level and putting all of them in a row inside entrance (precision and stacker tools are really helpful in this, but i can't really explain how to use them so you will have to ask other players to explain it to you), you can also have an auto repair in range, and this will make attackers throwing explosives at your entrance for a long time (possibly whole raid). If you are at level 2, you can place auto repair, that will repair props at pretty far range, i recommend upgrading it to lvl 2 with /upg command, and if you are defending you can also repair your props and structures with blowtorch (you can buy it for 500$) by holding RMB when looking and prop (LMB damages props, so you can use it during raid, but i think explosives are much better).


Because you propably already have enough money to afford gun, you can make KOS line, which will mark terrain in which you will be able to shot people without any warning and punishment, just pick rope, and mark the terrain like on screen below: I'll add short guide how to use precision tool and stacker tool here! To raid or be raided you need at least one gold or better money printer (to raid someone you will also need radar). Raid beggins when you scan someone (click scan next to someone's nick) It lasts 15 minutes, during this time you are allowed to kill everyone from team of person you scanned, and destroy their props and structures. Raid ends when golden printer of defender/raider (you can attack raider's base during raid) is destroyed.

If timer runned out Both of you can get killed one more time for 5 minutes. Best way to get into someone's base is to spam grenades into his entrance, as long as it is blocked. During raid i recommend using Ares Shrike/Spas12/Double Barrel/Dagunov SVU (sniper rifles are insanely accurate even when you are firing from hip), and to destroy props i recommend using grenades, if raided base is placed somewhere that you can't throw grenades to damage props, use C4 (if you have level to afford it). If you are defending and have prop that you can see enemy through, just take Barret M98B sniper rifle (since it's best at penetrating walls and props) and give headshots to raiders. You can't rebuild during raid! This will propably get you banned from server!