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Canon Ws 1200h Manual Lymphatic Drainage

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Massage is to work and act on the body with. Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, feet, or a device. The purpose of massage is generally for the treatment of body stress or pain. People who are professionally trained to give massages were traditionally known as masseurs or masseuses, but the term massage therapist has been promoted. In professional settings, clients are treated while lying on a massage table, sitting in a, or lying on a mat on the floor. In amateur settings, a general purpose surface like a bed or the floor is more common.

Aquatic massage and bodywork is performed with recipients submersed or floating in a warm-water therapy pool. Akmanthor BC 722-481: is composed during the Chinese (the beginning of recorded history). The Nei-jing is a compilation of medical knowledge known up to that date, and is the foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Massage is referred to in 30 different chapters of the Nei Jing.

It specifies the use of different massage techniques and how they should be used in the treatment of specific ailments, and injuries. Also known as 'The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon', the text refers to previous medical knowledge from the time of the (approx 2700 BC), misleading some into believing the text itself was written during the time of the Yellow Emperor (which would predate written history). BC 700, the earliest known Chinese physician uses massage in medical practice.

BC 500 Jīvaka Komarabhācca, also known as Shivago Komarpaj, the founder of (Nuad Boran) and Thai medicine. According to the Pāli Canon, Jivaka was 's physician. He codified a healing system that combines, and assisted postures.

Traditional Thai massage is generally based on a combination of Indian and traditions of medicine. Jivaka is known today as 'Father Doctor' in. BC 493: A possible biblical reference documents daily 'treatments' with oil of as a part of the beauty regimen of the wives of Xerxes (, 2:12). BC 460: wrote 'The physician must be experienced in many things, but assuredly in rubbing'.

BC 300 believed to be the oldest of the three ancient treatises of medicine, including massage. Records indicate that massage had been practiced in India long before the beginning of recorded history.

AD 581: introduces ten new massage techniques and systematized the treatment of childhood diseases using massage therapy. AD 581: China establishes a department of massage therapy within the Office of Imperial Physicians. Middle-Ages: Medical knowledge, including that of massage, made its way from Rome to Persia in the Middle Ages. Many of Galen's manuscripts, for instance, were collected and translated by Hunayn ibn Ishaq in the 9th century. Later in the 11th century copies were translated back into Latin, and again in the 15th and 16th centuries, when they helped enlighten European scholars as to the achievements of the Ancient Greeks. This renewal of the Galenic tradition during the Renaissance played a very important part in the rise of modern science. One of the greatest Persian medics was, also known as Ibn Sina, who lived from 980AD to 1037AD.

His works included a comprehensive collection and systematisation of the fragmentary and unorganised Greco-Roman medical literature that had been translated Arabic by that time, augmented by notes from his own experiences. One of his books, Al-Qānūn fī aṭ-Ṭibb (The Canon of Medicine) has been called the most famous single book in the history of medicine in both East and West. Avicenna excelled in the logical assessment of conditions and comparison of symptoms and took special note of analgesics and their proper use as well as other methods of relieving pain, including massage. AD 1150: Evidence of massage abortion, involving the application of pressure to the pregnant, can be found in one of the decorating the temple of in. It depicts a performing such an abortion upon a woman who has been sent to the.

This is the oldest known visual representation of abortion. AD 1776:, and, French missionaries in China translate summaries of, including a list of medical plants, exercises and elaborate massage techniques, into the French language, thereby introducing Europe to the highly developed Chinese system of medicine, medical-gymnastics, and medical-massage.

AD 1776, a Swedish physical therapist, and teacher of medical-gymnastics is born. Ling has often been erroneously credited for having invented 'Classic Massage' aka 'Swedish Massage', and has been called the 'Father of Massage'. AD 1779: Frenchman publishes ‘Notice du Cong-fou des Bonzes Tao-see' also known as 'The Cong-Fou of the Tao-Tse', a French language summary of medical techniques used by Taoist priests. According to Joseph Needhan, Cibot's work 'was intended to present the physicists and physicians of Europe with a sketch of a system of medical gymnastics which they might like to adopt—or if they found it at fault they might be stimulated to invent something better. This work has long been regarded as of cardinal importance in the history of physiotherapy because it almost certainly influenced the Swedish founder of the modern phase of the art, Per Hendrik Ling.

Cibot had studied at least one Chinese book, but also got much from a Christian neophyte who had become expert in the subject before his conversion.' AD 1813 The Royal Gymnastic Central Institute for the training of gymnastic instructors was opened in Stockholm, Sweden, with appointed as principal. Ling developed what he called the 'Swedish Movement Cure.'

Ling died in 1839, having previously named his pupils as the repositories of his teaching. Ling and his assistants left little proper written account of their methods. AD 1878: Dutch massage practitioner Johan Georg Mezger applies French terms to name five basic massage techniques, and coins the phrase 'Swedish massage system'. These techniques are still known by their French names (effleurage (long, gliding strokes), petrissage (lifting and kneading the muscles), friction (firm, deep, circular rubbing movements), tapotement (brisk tapping or percussive movements), and vibration (rapidly shaking or vibrating specific muscles)). Modern times. Marathon runners receiving massages at the 2004 ING Taipei International Marathon China Massage has developed continuously in China for over 5000 years.

Western ideas are considered within the traditional framework. It is widely practiced and taught in hospital and medical schools and is an essential part of health maintenance and primary healthcare. United States Massage started to become popular in the United States in the middle part of the 19th century and was introduced by two based on 's techniques developed in. During the 1930s and 1940s massage's influence decreased as a result of medical advancements of the time, while in the 1970s massage's influence grew once again with a notable rise among athletes.

Until the 1970s, used massage to reduce pain and aid sleep. The massage therapy industry is continuously increasing. In 2009, U.S. Consumers spent between $4 and $6 billion on visits to massage therapists. In 2015, research estimates that massage therapy was a $12.1 billion industry. United Kingdom Massage is popular in the United Kingdom today and gaining in popularity. There are many private practitioners working from their own premises as well as those who operate from commercial venues.

Sports, business and organizations Massage developed alongside athletics in both and. Priests developed massage in concert with their movements, while used a specific type of trainer ('aleiptes') who would rub their muscles with oil. Introduction to massage also came about directly as a result of his study of gymnastic movements. The in was the first time that massage therapy was televised as it was being performed on the athletes.

And then, during the in massage therapy was finally offered as a core medical service to the US Olympic Team. Massage has been employed by businesses and organizations such as the, and.

Notable athletes such as and have personal massage therapists that at times even travel with them. Types and methods Active release technique Active release technique (ART) is a form of deep tissue manipulation patented by P.

Michael Leahy in which specified techniques are used to release what are presumed to be soft tissue adhesions.: 578 Acupressure. Main article: Acupressure from Latin acus 'needle' (see acuity) + pressure (n.) is an technique similar in principle to. It is based on the concept of life energy which flows through 'meridians' in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to with the aim of clearing blockages in those meridians. Pressure may be applied by fingers,palm,elbow,toes or with various devices. Some medical studies have suggested that acupressure may be effective at helping manage nausea and vomiting, for helping lower back pain, tension headaches, stomach ache, among other things, although such studies have been found to have a high likelihood of bias.

Lymphatic system

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Aquatic bodywork. Further information: Aquatic bodywork comprises a diverse set of massage and bodywork forms performed in water.

This includes land-based forms performed in water (e.g., Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy, Aquatic Myofascial Release Therapy, etc.), as well as forms specific to warm water pools (e.g., Aquatic Integration, Dolphin Dance, Healing Dance, Jahara technique, WaterDance, ). Ashiatsu In ashiatsu, the practitioner uses their feet to deliver treatment. The name comes from the Japanese, ashi for foot and atsu for pressure.

This technique typically uses the heel, sesamoid, arch and/or whole plantar surface of foot, and offers large compression, tension and shear forces with less pressure than an elbow, and is ideal for large muscles, such as in thigh, or for long-duration upper trapezius compressions. Other manual therapy techniques using the feet to provide treatment include Keralite, Barefoot,. Ayurvedic massage Ayurvedic Massage known as Abhyangam in Sanskrit is one of the most common and important Ayurvedic therapies. According to the Ayurvedic Classics Abhayngam is an important dincharya (Daily Regimen) that is needed for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The massage technique used during Ayurvedic Massage is known to stimulate the lymphatic system to expel the toxins out from the body.

The Ayurvedic Massage also stimulates production of lymphocytes which play a vital role in maintaining the immunity in human body. Thus regular Ayurvedic Massage can lead to better immunity and also help in body de-toxification. The other benefits of regular Ayurvedic Massage include pain relief, reduction of fatigue, prevention of ageing and bestowing longevity. Burmese Massage.

Traditional Burmese Foot Massage at Sapel in Known in as Yoe Yar Nhake Nal Chin, meaning 'traditional massage', Burmese massage has its ancient origins from Thai, Chinese and Indian medicine. Currently, Burmese massage also includes the use local natural ingredients such as, which helps to promote smooth skin and prevents sunburn. Burmese massage is a full body massage technique that starts from head to toes, drawing on, and kneading.

Signature massage strokes include using the elbows, quick gentle knocking of acupressure points, and slow kneading of tight muscles. The massage is aimed to improve blood circulation and quality of sleep, while at the same time help to promote better skin quality. Biodynamic massage. Main article: Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle approach that releases tensions deep in the body by applying light touch to the skull, face, spine, and pelvis. Foot massage While various types of reflexology related massage styles focus on the, massage of (usually) the soles of the feet is often performed purely for relaxation or recreation. It is believed there are some specific points on our feet that correspond to different organs in the body. Stimulation of these points during foot massage can cause significant reduction in pain.

Studies also suggest that foot reflexology massage can reduce fatigue and promote better sleep. Main article: Lomilomi is the traditional massage of.

As an indigenous practice, it varies by island and by family. The word lomilomi also is used for massage in and East Futuna.

In Samoa, it is also known as lolomi and milimili. In East Futuna, it is also called milimili, fakasolosolo, amoamo, lusilusi, kinikini, fai’ua.

The call it roromi and mirimiri. In massage is fotofota, tolotolo, and amoamo. In it is rumirumi. On in, massage is known as popo, pressure application is kukumi, and heat application is tutu.

Massage has also been documented in in the, in and in in. Lymphatic drainage. Main article: Medical Massage is a controversial term in the massage profession. Many use it to describe a specific technique. Others use it to describe a general category of massage and many methods such as deep tissue massage, myofascial release and triggerpoint therapy as well as osteopathic techniques, and many more can be used to work with various medical conditions. Massage used in the medical field includes used for which can be used in conjunction with the treatment of. Light massage is also used in pain management and palliative care.

Carotid sinus massage is used to diagnose carotid sinus syncope and is sometimes useful for differentiating (SVT) from. It, like the, is a therapy for SVT. However, it is less effective than management of SVT with medications. A 2004 systematic review found single applications of massage therapy 'reduced state anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate but not negative mood, immediate assessment of pain, and cortisol level', while 'multiple applications reduced delayed assessment of pain', and found improvements in anxiety and depression similar to effects of psychotherapy. A subsequent systematic review published in 2008 found that there is little evidence supporting the use of massage therapy for depression in high quality studies from.

Myofascial release refers to the manual massage technique that claims to release adhered and with the goal of eliminating, increasing and. Myofascial release usually involves applying shear compression or tension in various directions, cross fiber friction or by skin rolling. Reflexology also known as 'zone therapy', is an involving to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that purportedly reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands, with the premise that such work effects a physical change to the body.

Shiatsu (指圧) ( shi meaning finger and atsu meaning pressure) is a type of consisting of the fingers and palm pressure, stretches, and other massage techniques. There is no convincing data available to suggest that shiatsu is an effective treatment for any medical condition. Main article: 's aim is to unwind the strain patterns residing in the body's myofascial system, restoring it to its natural balance, alignment, length, and ease. This is accomplished by deep, slow, fascial and myofascial manipulation, coupled with movement re-education. Various brands of Structural Integration are, Hellerwork, Guild for Structural Integration, Aston Patterning, Soma, and Kinesis Myofascial Integration.

Swedish massage The most widely recognized and commonly used category of massage is the Swedish massage. The Swedish massage techniques vary from light to vigorous. Swedish massage uses five styles of strokes. The five basic strokes are (sliding or gliding), (kneading), (rhythmic tapping), friction (cross fiber or with the fibers) and vibration/shaking. Swedish massage has shown to be helpful in reducing pain, and improving function in patients with of the knee over a period of eight weeks. The development of Swedish massage is often inaccurately credited to, though the practitioner applied the French terms to name the basic strokes.

The term 'Swedish' massage is actually only recognized in English and Dutch speaking countries, and in Hungary. Elsewhere the style is referred to as 'classic massage'. Clinical studies report that Swedish Massage can effectively reduce low back pain and the effectiveness can last for as long as 15 weeks.

One study reported that Swedish Massage caused reduction in salivary cortisol indicating its role in management of stress and improvement in mood. Main article: Known in Thailand as นวดแผนโบราณ ( Nuat phaen boran, IPA: ), meaning 'ancient/traditional massage', traditional Thai massage (Nuad Boran) is generally based on a combination of Indian and Chinese traditions of medicine. – or Nuat Thai – combines both physical and energetic aspects. It is a deep, full-body massage progressing from the feet up, and focusing on sen or energy lines throughout the body, with the aim of clearing blockages in these lines, and thus stimulating the flow of blood and lymph throughout the body. It draws on, and. Thai Massage is a popular massage therapy that is used for management of conditions such as musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. Thai Massage involves a number of stretching movements that improve body flexibility, joint movement and also improve blood circulation throughout the body.

In one study scientists found that Thai Massage showed comparable efficacy as the painkiller ibuprofen in reduction of joint pain caused by osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Traditional Chinese massage. Main article: Massage of is known as An Mo (按摩, pressing and rubbing) or Massage, and is the foundation of Japan's. Categories include Pu Tong An Mo (general massage), Tui Na An Mo (pushing and grasping massage), Dian Xue An Mo (cavity pressing massage), and Qi An Mo (energy massage). (推拿) focuses on pushing, stretching, and kneading muscles, and Zhi Ya (指壓) focuses on pinching and pressing at points. Technique such as friction and vibration are used as well.

Trigger point therapy Sometimes confused with pressure point massage, this involves deactivating that may cause local pain or refer pain and other sensations, such as headaches, in other parts of the body. Manual pressure, vibration, injection, or other treatment is applied to these points to relieve myofascial pain. Trigger points were first discovered and mapped by (President Kennedy's physician) and. Trigger points have been photomicrographed and measured electrically and in 2007 a paper was presented showing images of Trigger Points using MRI. These points relate to dysfunction in the, also called (NMJ), in muscle, and therefore this technique is different from reflexology, acupressure and pressure point massage. Main article: Watsu, developed by at, is a type of aquatic bodywork performed in near-body-temperature water, and characterized by continuous support by the practitioner and gentle movement, including rocking, stretching of limbs, and massage.

The technique combines floating and immersion with and other massage techniques. Watsu is used as a form of for deep relaxation and other therapeutic intent. Related forms include, Healing Dance, and Jahara technique.

Facilities, equipment, and supplies. A massage chair in use Massage tables and chairs Specialized massage tables and are used to position recipients during massages. A typical commercial massage table has an easily cleaned, heavily padded surface, and a horseshoe-shaped head support that allows the client to breathe easily while lying face down and can be stationary or portable, while home versions are often lighter weight or designed to fold away easily. An or bolster can be used to correct body positioning. Ergonomic chairs serve a similar function as a massage table. Chairs may be either stationary or portable models. Massage chairs are easier to transport than massage tables, and recipients do not need to disrobe to receive a chair massage.

Due to these two factors, chair massage is often performed in settings such as corporate offices, outdoor festivals, shopping malls, and other public locations. Warm-water therapy pools Temperature-controlled warm-water therapy pools are used to perform aquatic bodywork.


For example, requires a warm-water therapy pool that is approximately chest deep (depending on height of the therapist) and temperature-controlled to about 35 °C (95 °F). Dry-water massage tables A dry-water massage table uses jets of water to perform the massage of the client's muscles. These tables differ from a Vichy shower in that the client usually stays dry. Two common types are one in which the client lies on a waterbed-like mattress which contains warm water and jets of water and air bubbles and one in which the client lies on a foam pad and is covered by a plastic sheet and is then sprayed by jets of warm water, similar to a Vichy shower. The first type is sometimes seen available for use in malls and shopping centers for a small fee.

Vichy showers A is a form of hydrotherapy which uses a series of shower nozzles which spray large quantities of water over the client while they lie in a shallow wet bed, similar to a massage table, but with drainage for the water. The nozzles may usually be adjusted for height, direction, and temperature to suit the client's needs. Cremes, lotions, gels, and oils Many different types of massage cremes, lotions, gels, and oils are used to lubricate and moisturize the skin and reduce the friction between skin (hands of technician and client).

Massage tools A body rock is a serpentine-shaped tool, usually carved out of stone. It is used to amplify the therapist's strength and focus pressure on certain areas.

It can be used directly on the skin with a lubricant such as oil or corn starch or directly over clothing. And tools are also commonly implemented. They originate from practices in southeast Asia, Thailand, Cambodia, and Burma. Some of them may be heated, oiled, or wrapped in cloth. Medical and therapeutic use The main professionals that provide therapeutic massage are massage therapists, and practitioners of many.

Massage practitioners work in a variety of medical settings and may travel to private residences or businesses. To massage include, or taking blood thinners such as, damaged blood vessels, weakened bones from, or, bruising, and. Practitioner associations and official recognition of professionals The US based National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine recognizes over eighty different massage techniques.

The most cited reasons for introducing massage as therapy have been client demand and perceived clinical effectiveness. Associated methods Many types of practices are associated with massage and include, and. Other names for massage and related practices include hands-on work, body/somatic therapy, and somatic movement education. Body-mind integration techniques stress self-awareness and movement over physical manipulations by a practitioner.

Therapies related to movement awareness/education are closer to. Massage can also have connections with the movement and as well as holistice philosophies of preventative medical care, as well as being used by mainstream medical practitioners. Beneficial effects.

See also: In Japan, shiatsu is regulated but oil massage and Thai massage are not. Although prostitution is illegal, prostitutes posing as massage therapists in shops and are fairly common in the larger cities.

Myanmar In, massage is unregulated. However, it is necessary to apply for a spa license with the government to operate a massage parlour in major cities such as Yangon. Blind and visually impaired people can become masseurs, but they are not issued licenses.

There are a few professional spa training schools in Myanmar but these training centers are not accredited by the government. Mexico In Mexico massage therapists, called ' sobadores', combine massage using oil or lotion with a form of acupuncture and faith. Sobadores are used to relieve digestive system problems as well as knee and back pain. Many of these therapists work out of the back of a truck, with just a curtain for privacy. By learning additional holistic healer's skills in addition to massage, the practitioner may become a.

In many parts of Mexico prostitution is legal and prostitutes are allowed to sell sexual massage. These businesses are often confined to a specific area of the city, such as the in. New Zealand In New Zealand, massage is unregulated.

Manual lymphatic drainage techniques

There are two levels of registration with Massage New Zealand, the professional body for massage therapists within New Zealand, although neither of these levels are government recognised. Registration at the Certified Massage Therapist level denotes competency in the practice of relaxation massage. Registration at the Remedial massage therapist denotes competency in the practice of remedial or orthopedic massage. Both levels of registration are defined by agreed minimum competencies and minimum hours.

South Africa In South Africa, massage is regulated, but enforcement is poor. The minimum legal requirement to be able to practice as a professional massage therapist is a 2-year diploma in Therapeutic Massage and registration with The Allied Health Professions Council of SA (AHPCSA). The 2 year qualification includes 240 credits, about 80 case studies, and about 100 hours community service. South Korea In, blind and visually impaired people can become licensed masseurs. Thailand In, is officially listed as one of the branches of, recognized and regulated by the government. It is considered to be a medical discipline in its own right and is used for the treatment of a wide variety of ailments and conditions.

Massage schools, centers, therapists, and practitioners are increasingly regulated by the Ministries of Education and Public Health in Thailand. United Kingdom To practice commercial massage or massage therapy in the UK, an ITEC or VTCT certificate must be obtained through training which includes Beauty & Spa Therapy, Hairdressing, Complementary Therapies, Sports & Fitness Training and Customer Service. Therapists with appropriate paperwork and insurance may join the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), a voluntary, government regulated, professional register.

Its key aim being to protect the public. In addition there are many professional bodies which have a required minimum standard of education and hold relevant insurance policies including: the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), the Complementary Therapists Association (CThA), and the Complementary Health Professionals (CHP). In contrast to the CNHC these bodies exist to support therapists rather than clients. United States According to research done by the American Massage Therapy Association, as of 2012 in the United States there are between 280,000 and 320,000 massage therapists and massage school students.

As of 2011, there were more than 300 accredited massage schools and programs in the United States. Most states have licensing requirements that must be met before a practitioner can use the title 'massage therapist', and some states and municipalities require a license to practice any form of massage. If a state does not have any massage laws then a practitioner need not apply for a license with the state. However, the practitioner will need to check whether any local or county laws cover massage therapy.

Training programs in the US are typically 500–1000 hours in length, and can award a certificate, diploma, or degree depending on the particular school. There are around 1,300 programs training massage therapists in the country and study will often include, massage techniques, and, and issues, and hands on practice along with requirements if regulated. The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) is one of the organizations that works with massage schools in the U.S.

And currently (Aug 2012) there are approximately 300 schools that are accredited through this agency. Forty-three states, the District of Columbia and five Canadian provinces currently offer some type of credential to professionals in the massage and bodywork field—usually licensure, certification or registration. Thirty-eight states and the require some type of licensing for massage therapists.

In the US, 39 states use the 's certification program as a basis for granting licenses either by rule. The National Board grants the designation Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCTMB). There are two tests available and one can become certified through a portfolio process with equivalent training and experience.

Between 10% and 20% of towns or counties regulate the profession. The National Certification offered by the NCBTMB does not mean that someone can practice massage in any state. These local regulations can range from prohibition on opposite sex massage, fingerprinting and venereal checks from a doctor, to prohibition on house calls because of concern regarding sale of sexual services.

In the US, is the highest level of and this restricts anyone without a license from practicing massage therapy or by calling themselves that protected title. Allows only those who meet certain educational criteria to use the protected title and registration only requires a listing of therapists who apply and meet an educational requirement. It is important to note that a massage therapist may be certified, but not licensed. Licensing requirements vary per state, and often require additional criteria be met in addition to attending an accredited massage therapy school and passing a required state specified exam (basically the certification requirements in many states). In the US, most certifications are locally based. However, as of March 2014, some states still do not require a license or a certification. However, this is thought to change eventually as more regulatory bodies governing the profession of massage are established in each state.

Furthermore, some states allow license reciprocity where massage therapists who relocate can relatively easily obtain a license in their new state. Not all states provide this option. In late 2007, the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards launched a new certification exam titled the MBLEx. Currently, 40 states have accepted this certification exam, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. In 1997 there were an estimated 114 million visits to massage therapists in the US.

Massage therapy is the most used type of in hospitals in the United States. Between July 2010 and July 2011 roughly 38 million adult Americans (18 percent) had a massage at least once. People state that they use massage because they believe that it relieves pain from injuries and other causes of pain, reduces and enhances, rehabilitates sports injuries, decreases feelings of anxiety and depression, and increases general well being. In a poll of 25- to 35-year-olds, 79% said they would like their health insurance plan to cover massage. Companies that offer massage to their employees include, (publisher of ), and.

In 2006 opened up a center to integrate medical disciplines with CAM disciplines such as massage therapy and. There were 15,500 in the United States in 2007 with about a third of the visitors being men. The number of visits rose from 91 million in 1999 to 136 million in 2003, generating a revenue that equals $11 billion. Job outlook for massage therapists is also projected to grow at 20% between 2010 and 2020 by the, or faster than average. See also.
