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C 1252 Nls File Download

C 1252 Nls File Download Average ratng: 4,1/5 3680 votes

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  1. Nls File Type

Im trying to restore a missing file windows system32 config system on a machine with OEM xp home got so far now get error message saying missing file windows system32 c_1252.nls any ideas please or do ihave to re-install windows from start. Im trying to restore a missing file windows system32 config system on a machine with OEM xp home got so far now get error message saying missing file windows. After the download is complete, find the corresponding version of the file, click on 'Open' Step 2:Copy it to the corresponding directory Or Copying the c_1252.nls file into the Windows/System32 folder; If you are using a 64 Bit operating system, copy the 'c_1252.nls' file and paste it into the 'C: Windows sysWOW64' as well.

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Hi All Ok, last night I was trying to update my creative sound card drivers. I went to the creative website and downloaded the latest drivers for my sb audigy 2 zs. During the install of the drivers, my computer said that there were older drivers installed, and asked if I wanted to delete the old drivers and restart the computer. I clicked 'yes', the old drivers were uninstalled, and the computer restarted.

When I entered windows, the driver installation resumed, but a screen also popped up that said something about opening the trouble shooter for my sound card, or something like that, I wasnt really paying attention. When the trouble shooter screen came up, the computer bsod and restarted. I didnt catch the error message. Now Windows wont load, it says 'Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWS system32 c1252.nls' and that I can attempt to repair using the original setup cd-rom.

Nls File Type


I did some searching around the internet and found this site However, I dont have the original windows cd that came with my computer, as I dont believe they sent me one. I do have a recovery DVD that came with my computer. I have a product key sticker on the side of my tower, and I am running Windows xp Media Center 2004. I managed to locate a Windows xp pro corporate edition cd. Using this cd I was able to get into the recovery console and tried to follow the instructions on the microsoft support link above.

First thing I did was type 'chkdsk /r' and I got 'The volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems.' Okay, so I moved on to the next step and I typed in 'cd system32' and I get 'There is no floppy disk or cd in the drive.' Ive tried this several times but it all results the same. Thats as far as I got. Im guessing the cd I have is maybe the problem? I hope its that and not a serious issue.

Do I need my specific cd to my specific windows install to repair windows? (I don't see this happening) Or do I need a Windows xp 2004 media center cd? Or is it that the windows xp pro cd I am using is a corporate edition, or.? I'm kinda lost here, and could use some help from some more knowledgeable people. Any help at all is appreciated.

Thanks //edit forgot to mention I also tried to repair windows using the guide on this forum But once i hit f8 to agree, there is no repair option, just Windows xp set up, create a partition, or delete a partition. I can get to this screen using the recovery dvd that came with my computer, but I cant get to the recovery console with it. I just tried to boot up using a windows xp mce 2005 cd, but my version is 2004, and the results were the same as before. I saw some screen shots of the recovery console online, and it should look like 'C: WINDOWS' however my screen shows 'C: ' Everytime I type something here, it just says 'There is no floppy disk or cd in the drive.' It doesn't ask me which windows installation I would like to log on to, or ask me for my administrative password. Does anyone know anything about this, or have any advice at all? I really dont want to mess up my computer any worse than it already is by changing things I dont understand.

FilesWhat is a nls file

Windows will not boot up!! Yesterday i come home from work to find my gf was trying to do something with out laptop. Dont know what she was attemptin to do but she had the windows install cd in the drive. Now everytime i turn the computer on it goes straight to a black screen. Everytime i hit any key it just types a / all the way down the screen. I have reformatted many pc's b4 and reinstalled windows a dozen times off a cd.

Except there is no boot menu to boot off cd. Cant get into the BIOS any suggestions please help. Thank you, Sevens.